Still interested? Then keep reading because I am going to share with you how you can get to fashion week while barely breaking the bank.

Reach out to independent groups like Beauty Underground to see if you are a fit for their team.
If selected, reach out to brands you use. Let them know that you are looking to be sponsored for the show. I did this with great response. I was able to get most of my expenses covered just to use their products at the show and capture some images during.
Enjoy learning the looks selected for the models and have fun during the process. Do not get discouraged if the lead Artist asked you to do something different or even do it all over. This process is typical and all the models must look symmetric and co-exist even though each one may have had a different hairstylist.
I Hope this helps you in your dreams to doing hair for New York Fashion Week. Best wishes on your journey. Comment below if you have any questions and I will try my best to answer quickly. Also, should you contact beauty underground, tell them James sent you. 💜 XO

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